It's Not Just You, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp Experiencing Issues

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter all having issues Wednesday morning.

If you were having trouble with images failing to load on your favorite social media sites like Facebook and Instagram Wednesday morning, don't worry, you're not alone. Users all over the world reported having problems with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and WhatsApp, reporting a variety of issues using the apps.

According to reports online, users were reporting bugs, such as images failing to load on Instagram and problems with Twitter's direct message function. Twitter's app was showing users notifications for DMs that weren't there when they checked their inbox.

"We're currently having some issues with DM delivery and notifications. We're working on a fix and will follow up as soon as we have an update for you. Apologies for the inconvenience," Twitter wrote on its support page.

Facebook was also having some major issues loading images for select users around the world.

We’re aware that some people are having trouble uploading or sending images, videos and other files on our apps. We're sorry for the trouble and are working to get things back to normal as quickly as possible. #facebookdown," Facebook tweeted.

It's not clear what the problem was with Facebook and Twitter. Facebook noted their issue was not the result of a cyber attack.

There's no word on when the issue will be cleared up.

Photo: Getty Images

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