Buncombe County has confirmed it's first case of the COVID-19 Coronavirus shortly after 11:00am on Saturday.
County Officials will be holding a press conference at 1:00pm to update the public.
Media Release from Buncombe County:
Buncombe County Health and Human Services (BCHHS) has identified the first case of the novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) in a Buncombe County resident.
On March 21, 2020, BCHHS received notification of this case which makes two cases of COVID-19 associated with Buncombe County.
The person has been notified and remains in isolation at home. They have been isolated since testing was performed, following guidance of public health and their healthcare provider.
BCHHS Public Health is actively investigating to determine the case’s source of exposure and will be contacting individuals identified as having close contact to this case per public health protocol. Further details about the individual will not be released by BCHHS Public Health to protect their privacy.
“We know that there is already community spread in North Carolina. It is critical that the public follow our guidance regarding social distancing and staying home when you are sick,” said County Interim Public Health Director Dr. Jennifer Mullendore.
Please do not call 911 to request testing for COVID-19, and please do not go to the emergency room unless you are seriously ill and require emergency care. If you have fever and respiratory illness and want to know if you should be tested for COVID-19, it is best to call your health care provider or (828) 250-5300 for information on how to get tested in Buncombe County.
Always check with trusted sources for the latest accurate information about COVID-19. Visit for up-to-date news, prevention measures, and more information on COVID-19.
Buncombe County officials will be making an announcement on Facebook Live @Buncombegov at 1pm today. Spanish translation of this live event will be available after the conclusion of this announcement @bchhs.
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