You would think that after a governing body has to do something every single year in order for that body to continue to function, after 200 some odd years they’d be able to do it without reinventing the wheel.
Well...not the United States Congress.
They seem to be perfectionists when it comes to screwing things up royally!Take the most recent Government Shutdown, nobody won anything or gained anything from the Shutdown. Democrats didn’t get anything they hadn’t already been promised and they basically made themselves look like sniveling idiots under the so called leadership of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. Nothing, they got nothing.Republicans, well they got nothing either.
There was no winner here but there was a loser.
Long story short, the reason the budget and spending continue to cause turmoil and shutdowns is because Congress isn’t following the rules.
Kentucky’s 4th District Congressman Thomas Massie explains everything through the link below. Massie nails the primary problem with Congress.