You smell that...there's something "Fishy" in the air!
That fishy smell you may be noticing is coming from the Buncombe county Sheriff's race.
It would be the comments from R. Daryl Fisher.
Candidate Fisher was meeting with local residents during a campaign stop and the subject of "gun-control" came up.
Fisher didn't waste any time diving into his proposals and ideas for the gun control one point saying "I'm telling you right now, don't but into the scare tactics, don't believe the scare tactics because you've heard people say you'll have to pry them from my cold dead hands..." (laughter from the crowd)
The candidate then responds with "OKAY"....the crowd ate up the comment with laughter, cheers and applause.
Fisher continued by trying to downplay the comment by saying he was "kidding...a little bit".
Below is the full 5 plus minutes of what Fisher had to say.
You can judge for yourself, but for me....Mr. Fisher seems to be someone who has little regard for the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.
His speech is reckless and obviously uninformed and he's certainly someone who doesn't need to have the power of the Sheriff's office at the tips of his fingers.