Here's what's coming up on Monday's edition of First News on 570...
6:13- Bill Zimpfer- Deadly wildfires are raging out of control in California. Bill will have the latest on the fires - and what areas are in danger.
6:43- Political Roundup
7:13- Ray Stagich WX
7:23- Play with Ray- 2018 Bass Pro Shops NRA Night Race
7:43- Michael Bower- There are reports that President Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen has what is being called “a treasure trove” on the President. Meanwhile Rudy Guiliani is questioning Cohen’s honesty. What is next for the story that started with a stripper named Stormy Daniels.
Clonazepam (traded as Klonopin), diazepam (Valium) and alprazolam (Xanax) are among the most sold drugs in a class of widely prescribed anti-anxiety medications known as benzodiazepines. Public health officials warn the pills should be used only in the short term and should never be mixed with opioids or alcohol. The growing use of anti-anxiety pills reminds some doctors of the early days of the opioid crisis. Considered relatively safe and non-addictive by the general public and many doctors, Xanax, Valium, Ativan and Klonopin have been prescribed to millions of Americans for decades to calm jittery nerves and promote a good night's sleep. But the number of people taking the sedatives and the average length of time they're taking them have shot up since the 1990s, when doctors also started liberally prescribing opioid painkillers.Addiction Specialsit DR. JOHN DYBEN
8:23- OPEN
8:43- OPEN
Doing it for the gram!' That has become a popular slogan amongst people who post an idealistic life featuring, opulence and fabulous-living and travel on Instagram. In fact, the popular photo-sharing app is impacting travel trends around the world. A survey from Schofield's reveals that more millennials prioritize picture-worthiness when it comes to choosing their vacation destinations, and many want to capture the picture perfect moment in Las Vegas. "Just looking for the best shot," said Shy Taylor, a Brooklyn, New York visitor. The goal for many millennials when they're deciding where to travel is based on photos they see on Instagram. "I'm actually doing a Snapchat documentary of just me traveling all kinds of places; showing my friends, hey I can get out here too," said Latasha Walter, Fort Worth, Texas. More than 40 percent of millennials are concerned about how trips appear to friends and family rather than costs or experiencing the local food.
Are We Really Choosing Locations Over How Instagram-Worthy They Are?
Is your city on the list?founder of Wanderift ZACH BURAU