Exactly 2 weeks from election day and the early voting numbers are really pouring in across North Carolina and especially here in Western North Carolina.
We'll take a look at the updated numbers and see what they have to say.
Also on the the show this morning;
6:13- Bill Zimpfer- The case of Jayme Closs is in the national spotlight. Her parents were killed, and the 13 year old Wisconsin teen remains missing. So far, investigators have been stymied.
7:30-8:00- NC Congressman Patrick McHenry- (IN STUDIO)
8:00-8:30- North Carolina Supreme Court Justice Barbara Jackson
8:52- Professor Allan Saxe- Last night's rally in Houston Texas with Senator Ted Cruz and the President was a barn burner....18,000 plus inside the building and lord knows how many thousand outside the building....did Cruz really need the president to come down for a rally because of how far ahead he's leading in the polls or was this an insurance policy to make sure that percentage cushion stays put? Does Beto have a chance?