On Friday, April 24th, Pastor Michael Woods joined First News on 570 to chat about the immense effort going into caring for nearly three times the normal capacity of people staying at the facility at 225 Patton Avenue.
With more than 140 people now living at the shelter, laundry had become a massive challenge. They were running out of detergent and the money wasn't there to afford the amount they needed.
That's where all of you stepped in, you donated money and you donated detergent...and then, Ingles Markets stepped in to lend a hand.
Ingles stepped up to the plate and provided a full pallet, nearly 300 bottles, of laundry detergent at no cost to the Ministry.
This is who the First News on 570 family is, you show us every single time we ask you for your help.
As the host of the show, its things like this that make every single 2:00am alarm clock worth while.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you who had a little extra to give and thank you to Ingles Markets for being such a big part of saving the day for a really incredible organization.