This seems... odd... and important
FOX News has the report:
Ex-national security adviser Susan Rice sent an “unusual email” to herself the day President Trump was sworn in to office documenting former President Barack Obama's guidance at a high-level meeting about how law enforcement should investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race, two Republican senators said Monday.
According to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Sen. Lindsey Graham, the partially unclassified email was sent by Rice on Jan. 20, 2017 -- and appears to document a Jan. 5 meeting that included Obama, then-FBI Director James Comey, then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, then-Vice President Joe Biden and Rice.
Click the link to see Sen. Lindsay Graham explain it during an interview with Martha McCallum.
Over at Redstate, streiff breaks down the dilemma we have in assessing the purpose of the meeting:
It demonstrates two things. First, that Barack Obama was giving instructions to members of his administration who were being held over on how to deal with the Trump administration. Second, that James Comey is a liar if we are to believe Susan Rice who is certified liar.
The problem is that if you cross reference this to the sworn public testimony of Mister Ethical Leadership, himself, that is to say former FBI director James Comey, you have an irresolvable conflict.
I spoke alone with President Obama twice in person (and never on the phone) – once in 2015 to discuss law enforcement policy issues and a second time, briefly, for him to say goodbye in late 2016.
Yet here we are at a meeting with Obama, Rice, Biden and acting AG Sally Yates. And the discussion is about the dossier and what they will and will not tell the incoming administration. This seems like something a note-taker like Comey would hardly miss, particularly since he’d met with President-elect Trump the previous day.
See what I mean? This seems important.
Everyone's favorite game
It's time to play, "What if a Republican did it?"
In this scenario, we have a Congressman dining with the President of Iran and a radical anti-semite. On a scale of 1 - 10, what level of outrage would this warrant - if it's a GOP congressman?
The correct answer is...
But this story is about Democratic Representative Keith Ellison - the first Muslim to be elected to Congress. Soooo... we're seeing very little coverage at all.
From the Washington Free Beacon:
Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.), deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, attended a private event with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in 2013, according to a newly resurfaced report.
Anti-bigotry organizations have long pegged Farrakhan as both racist and anti-Semitic, citing his praise of Adolf Hitler, his obsession with Jews, and his belief that white people are subhumans created by an ancient African scientist.
As of this posting, a Google News search finds no "mainstream media" reports on this story.
Pretty soon, we're talking about real money
In light of the $4.4 trillion proposed spending plan from the President, I am re-posting Sen. Rand Paul's speech about the budget deal from last week.
Not that it matters, of course.
Something else to freak out about
Eye worms.
Tiny parasitic eye worms.
a total of 14 worms were pulled from Abby Beckley’s left eye during the 2016 episode, according to the report.
Beckley first discovered the infestation after a week of mild irritation. Looking into her eye, she could see a translucent creature wriggling around.
"I pulled that worm out and I just was shocked. I was absolutely shocked," Beckley told the Associated Press. "I stared at it and it was alive."
She says the worm died after about five seconds.
The internet reacts to Obama's presidential portrait
Hilarity ensues.