Russia meddled in 2016 election
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence says Russia interfered in the 2016 US Presidential election, attempting to boost Donald Trump while targeting Hillary Clinton.
From FOX News:
While the FBI and CIA had "high confidence" that Russian President Vladimir Putin aspired to help Trump's election chances by denigrating opponent Hillary Clinton, the NSA had only "moderate confidence" in that assessment, according to the January 2017 analysis.
But over in the House, some Republicans dispute the narrative that Putin helped Trump.
News & Observer slams Republican voters
A self-described white supremacist won a GOP primary two months ago, and the News & Observer decided to cover it today.
The headline nicely captures the contempt towards Republican voters as well as the mockery of party leaders:
Voters who supported NC House candidate aren't racist, just uninformed, GOP leaders say
It's safe to say that the vast majority of North Carolina voters are not informed on their candidates for General Assembly. After all, the average American doesn't know who the Vice President is, so it's a bit ridiculous to think people would have a better handle on an unknown candidate who barely campaigned in a heavily Democrat district.
And when the media goes to the local party leaders to ask what happened, they frame the response as "Our GOP voters are ignorant," even though the party leaders offered many other explanations - including low turnout, limited information, an opponent who was M.I.A., no other contested GOP primaries, an endorsement from Grass Roots NC, and a more easily-identified last name than his opponent.
Were most of the voters uniformed? Most certainly. That's the norm.
Given the overall ignorance of the American electorate, it's a charge that applies to almost every race. But it won't be.
For example, I have not seen any media reporting that a socialist's victory in a New York Democratic Party primary is due to voters being uninformed about her.
No, this story simply provides an opportunity for the N&O and the reporter to dunk on those stupid redneck Republicans who voted for a racist who was disavowed by the party.
Good job, journalists.
Texas man heeds Rep. Waters' call to action
Last week, Rep. Maxine Waters urged people to harass members of President Trump's administration:
"Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere. We've got to get the children connected to their parents,"
Yesterday, a man in Texas followed her instruction... targeting a 16-year old kid at a Whataburger who was wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
San Antonio police are investigating the incident, which occurred Tuesday evening at the Whataburger on Nacogdoches Road, NBC reported.
Rumble, a San Antonio bar where the alleged attacker works part-time, wrote on Facebook that it had fired him, reported. The post has since been deleted.
But, wait! There's more!
Four idiots in Asheville were arrested for shooting illegal fireworks at firefighters and cops.
Democrats are under-performing with Hispanic voters.
San Francisco is so disgusting that doctors canceled a convention there.