Will North Carolina have elections?
So, we're not sure if North Carolina is actually going to have an election this November, thanks to incessant litigation from leftists who promised to litigate (as well as "eviscerate, mitigate, cogitate, and agitate").
Democrats will say, "No, Pete - it's because the Republicans gerrymandered districts to protect their majorities."
And that's true. It's also what Democrats did for a century.
I expect them to do it again when they eventually return to power, despite their promises that they'll set up a "fair system." But even if they can do that, the price is a raft of leftwing policies.
Make no mistake - that's the implicit bargain being offered by Democrats here. "Fair maps" in exchange for leftwing policies that will unwind all the progress made under the Republican leadership.
In fact, one the most controversial issues in recent NC history gives us a good look at how Democrats are willing to inflict pain on citizens in order to win power and advance leftwing ideology. The pattern is very similar to the redistricting lawsuits we're seeing now.
When Republican state lawmakers passed HB2 to nullify the Charlotte bathroom ordinance, Democrats at all levels of government, all over America, and in all industries mobilized to punish the state's citizens.
Attorney General Roy Cooper told his Democratic colleagues in the legislature not to agree to any effort to "fix" the law before the election. He solicited businesses who would boycott his own state. He needed people to hurt so he could win power.
“Marc Benioff is the ringleader for big-business CEOs,” he says, “who use economic threats to exercise more power over public policy than the voters who use the democratic process.” Mr. Benioff then turned his guns on North Carolina’s law that limits anti-discrimination protections for lesbians, gays and transgender people and includes provisions requiring everyone to use public bathrooms based on birth sex.This time, he wasn’t doing all the calling. Companies approached him and his staff for advice. North Carolina’s Democratic Attorney General Roy Cooper called Salesforce to discuss the law, which had drawn lawsuits against the state. Mr. Cooper “looked to Salesforce because he wanted them to know that this is not who North Carolina is, and that we are fighting against this discriminatory law,” says Megan Jacobs, deputy campaign manager for Mr. Cooper, who is challenging Gov. McCrory for the governorship.
This mirrors the Governor's approach now. Taxpayers will be footing the bill for much of the litigation over the redistricting maps while throwing the entire election into chaos.
The point is to win power. To "Break the majority." And while it's fashionable for Democrats to accuse Republicans of being so addicted to power they'll do anything keep it (another BlueprintNC talking point) - it's also evident that Democrats are willing to put citizens in the middle of their pursuit of power, as well.
Which does not convince me they'd act differently with power they seek to regain.
Legislature to probe Governor's pipeline deal and disaster response
Republican state lawmakers created two committees - one to examine the response to Hurricane Matthew and another to examine the governor's Atlantic Coast Pipeline deal. These committees will have the power to subpoena, which I suspect is one reason why Democrats are so angry at the decision.
[Gov. Roy] Cooper's spokesman called the meeting a sham and an "embarrassing use of the legislature's time." Other Democrats accused the GOP of political theater as North Carolina heads toward the November elections that will decide whether Republicans keep their super-majorities in the House and the Senate.
The Associated Press framed this as a "pile on" by Republicans - which might be the first time I've ever seen that term applied to a legislative hearing.
Democrats (and progressive media) called it political theater.-Of course it is.
Just like the Moral Monday protests were.
That's the point. It forces the media to provide coverage to a story that it otherwise ignores. And it allows those politicians to highlight the issue for their campaigns.
That's what politics is about.
And I suspect that's ANOTHER reason Democrats are angry about the hearing -- they know it makes for effective campaign material.
But, on the bright side -- at least it took everyone's attention off the Governor's secret DMV!
But, wait! There's more!
From the Carolina Journal: Federal court throws out N.C. congressional maps, now what?
From the News & Observer: Chapel Hill Police were told not to engage with protesters as the Silent Sam statue was torn down.