Angry Buncombe Taxpayers want to clean house
When a political machine controls a local government for a long period of time, usually it relies on corruption to do so. And people being people, they will use those same levers of power to enrich themselves. They are protected by their peers who also enjoy the benefits of the machine's control.
Which is how we end up with a Buncombe County government awash in scandal and indictments, and a Board of County Commissioners that was incapable or unwilling to ask basic questions or provide standard oversight.
This November, voters will get their first chance to weigh in on the scandal in a meaningful way. And a local group is making the case for a house-cleaning:
Although we may appear to be very partisan and favoring Republicans, there is a reason. It is because the public corruption that has been exposed by federal indictments of Buncombe County government officials has all occurred while Democrats controlled the county. Had this happened under Republican control, we would be just as angry and appear just as partisan in favor of Democrats. The issue is not politics, it’s public corruption regardless of the party.
When county employees in leadership positions are indicted on numerous charges of fraud, money laundering, embezzlement and other violations, this abuse of public trust produces ANGRY TAXPAYERS. We realize there have yet to be convictions, but we must ask, “How could millions of tax dollars have been misused and/or redirected for personal gain without commissioners knowing about it?”
They are offering Angry Taxpayer signs, if you want to put one up.
Signs are currently available at the following locations:
D & D Grocery; Barnardsville Hwy. -Barnardsville
DeBruhl’s Used Cars; 354 Sardis Road; - Asheville
Fastlane Auto Sales; 318 Weaverville Road - Wweaverville
Fastrac Foodmart BP; 3184 New Leicester Hwy - Leicester
Fastrac Foodmart Gulf; Old Leicester Hwy & Mt. Carmel Road - Asheville
George’s Mini Market Exxon – 408 Old County Home Road – Asheville
Gudger’s Florist – 1065 Haywood Road – West Asheville
Happy Hill Restaurant – 1400 Patton Avenue – Asheville
Kangaroo Convenience Store – 128 Newfound Road - Asheville
McKinney Insurance Agency; 5 Allen Avenue - Arden
Peterson Amusement Company – 12 Walnut Street – Downtown Asheville
Whitt Motor Sales; 1476 Smoky Park Hwy - Candler
We'll see how strong the machine is at protecting its own.
I'll talk with one of the founders of the group today on the show at 4:00 p.m.
But, wait! There's more!
Former college roommate and decades-long friend of Christine Blasey Ford says Ford never mentioned anything about being assaulted in high school by Brett Kavanaugh. Or anyone. The woman lives in New Bern, NC.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman, Chuck Grassley, dismantles every ridiculous argument being made by Democrats in their effort to keep Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court.
Grassley also is demanding Sen. Diane Feinstein give them a copy of the letter that Ford sent to her back in July.
A NC teacher making $69,000 a year is TIME magazine's example of how underpaid teachers are.