The tale of two responses to terrorism
Wayne Goodwin says he might not have tweeted about it, but he DID post on Facebook after the attempted assassination of Republican congressmen in 2017.
The Chairman of the North Carolina Democratic Party was responding to my criticism of his reaction to the apparently fake bombs being sent to national Democratic figures.
Two days ago, Goodwin liked a tweet from the Democrat operative leading the fake Republican campaign for Supreme Court:
I pointed this out on my blog, on the radio show Wednesday, and on Twitter.
Last night, Goodwin responded:
Goodwin is correct.
I checked his link, and sure enough - he DID post that.
And that's all I found.
However, over the past two days, here's what the NC Democratic Party leader has promoted on Twitter and on Facebook:
That last post actually starts off promising, but then links to this Roll Call piece laying the blame for the mail "bombs" at President Trump's feet.
You'll notice the difference in how Goodwin approaches the two incidents:
When a Democrat screams "This if for healthcare!" and opens fire in an assassination attempt on dozens of Republican congressmen, Goodwin calls for thoughts and prayers and unity.
There is no blame.
There is no indictment against political leaders who demonized the Republican targets.
There is no larger meaning behind the gruesome attack.
There is no wringing of hands over whether calling people racists, sexists, homophobes, bigots, anti-poor, anti-elderly, anti-education, etc. might have inspired a deranged man to attempt the largest political assassination in American history.
There is no introspection or examination about whether the increasingly violent rhetoric and personal character attacks played any role in the shooting. (Or any of the leftist violence committed against Republicans in the past year.)
But 16 months after the shooting, when a dozen fake bombs get mailed to Democrats, Goodwin races to blame Republican leaders - specifically, President Donald Trump (who has been the target of heinous death threats and violence-porn fantasies by leftists for the past two years).
It's an obvious double standard that should embarrass the person who expresses it.
A consistent standard would have Goodwin accepting blame for violence by the left. Or calling for unity right now in the midst of what appears to be a large (yet frightening) hoax.
Proving again... we view ourselves as the hero or as the victim.
Never the villain.
Pete's Prep Sheet: Friday, Oct. 26, 2018
- The Republican candidate for Buncombe County Sheriff owns a tire shop. And early this morning it burned down. The State Bureau of investigation is now investigating the fire at Shad Higgins' business, given that he is running for office and the fire occurred less than two weeks before Election Day. A GoFundMe account has been set up.
- Former Buncombe County Assistant Manager Jon Creighton cut a plea deal, according to the Citizen-Times. There are no details yet, but the agreement is in connection to the federal corruption investigation that has already led to Creighton indictment, along with former County Managers Wanda Greene and Mandy Stone.
- It appears the Asheville City Council is blocking all new hotels - even in the downtown area where they make the most sense - under a de facto moratorium. Or else maybe the latest developer couldn't meet the bribery demands. Or maybe it's because the developer is a Republican who ran for City Council a year ago. Or maybe they just really want to create the Elysium of the Mountains.
- In Texas, a vote fraud scheme is coming to light, involving payments from a former Tarrant County Democratic Party leader, and a network of people who engaged in widespread fraud to influence elections. Which is weird... because I've been assured by Democrats for years that vote fraud doesn't happen.