Pete Kaliner

Pete Kaliner

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Prepare for voter ID lawsuits

Pete's Prep Sheet: Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2018

  • As the North Carolina General Assembly crafts its voter ID law, one voting law expert recommends specific language empowering the Legislature to hire its own attorney. Hans von Spakovsky told the Carolina Journal NC's Democratic Attorney General has refused to defend prior voter ID legislation, and should not be given the chance to sabotage the effort again.

  • A disturbing child custody case out of Texas forces an examination of parental roles in the transgender debate. The boy dresses as a girl when he's with mom, but refuses to do so when he's with dad. The Federalist has the story.

  • The woman who accused Brett Kavanugh of a high school sexual assault issued a statement yesterday, thanking everyone who donated to her GoFundMe campaign. Christine Blasey Ford says she used the money to pay for security and housing since she came forward during Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation hearing. The fund collected $650,000. Her lawyers said they worked for free.

  • Buildings around the world will turn their lights red in a show of solidarity with persecuted Christians.

  • Capitalism is saving the environment.

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