Pete Kaliner

Pete Kaliner

Want to know more about Pete Kaliner? Get his official bio, social pages and articles on News Radio 570 WWNC!Full Bio


Where's Pete?

Some of you may be wondering where I've been. Many have probably not even noticed that I've been gone. If you count yourself among the former group, or you've been recently been made aware of my absence (from the previous sentence), here's an update:

I have been afflicted with vertigo.

I woke up Monday morning and began my normal day of show prep, eggs, and coffee. My vision seemed off and it proceeded to get worse throughout the morning. What started as double vision turned into an inability to focus my eyes coupled with constant nausea washing over me.

I thought I had the flu. But I didn't.

I never had any fever or any other flu-like symptoms. I thought it would just pass. I called in sick, but I didn't get any better. For the past three and a half days, I've been unable open my eyes without feeling sick to my stomach.

I couldn't walk.

I could open my eyes for a brief moment or two, but that was it.

Basically, I just slept for three straight days.

When I finally got in to see a doctor, they determined it's vertigo.

I received some medicine and a steroid shot (which I lobbied for to be placed in my biceps, but was refused). And while I'm feeling a little better today (my vision isn't quite so bad as it was) I'm still not really able to do anything. I'm hoping a specialist on Friday, along with more time and rest, will get me feeling well enough to be back on the air on Monday. But it's too early to tell.

Thank you to everyone who has texted and called and emailed and sent messages of concern and well wishes. My wife and I really appreciate them. I apologize for not being able to respond to them all.

My wife has been driving me around to the doctors' appointments and has been all around genuinely a great partner to have. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I am grateful.

I have never met a kinder person so willing to do for others. She is the best thing to ever happen to me.

(And, yes, she is typing this as I dictate it.)

We'll try to keep you all posted, but unless I can get Christy to write another blog for me (and after this experience, I'm not sure that's going to be so easy), I may have to give you all the next update on the air. Which, frankly, is what I would prefer and what I hope for.

Thanks for reading, and for listening. Don't break anything while I'm gone.

Pete & Christy

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