If a baby is born alive after a botched abortion, doctors should try to save that baby's life.
That was the proposed law under consideration in the US Senate yesterday.
And it was rejected by virtually every single Democrat.
Alexandra DeSanctis from National Review covered the vote last night.
By a vote of 53-44, the Senate has failed to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would have required doctors to provide medical care to infants born alive after an attempted abortion procedure. The bill — sponsored by Senator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) and cosponsored by 49 of his fellow Republican senators — needed 60 votes to overcome the legislative filibuster.
Just three Democratic senators crossed the aisle to vote with Republicans in favor of the legislation: Bob Casey Jr. (Pa.), Joe Manchin (W.Va.), and Doug Jones (Ala.).
All six of the Democratic senators currently running for the 2020 presidential nomination voted against the bill: Cory Booker (N.J.), Sherrod Brown (Ohio), Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), Kamala Harris (Calif.), Amy Klobuchar (Minn.), and Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), along with Independent Bernie Sanders of Vermont.
If you have any questions about what happened and what the law would (and would not) do, here you go:
Pete's Prep: Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2019
- Buncombe County's newly-elected Democrat Sheriff will no longer honor ICE detention requests, according to the Asheville Citizen-Times. The federal immigration agency says detainers "are placed on aliens arrested on criminal charges for whom ICE possesses probable cause to believe that they are removable from the United States."
- From NC Civitas: North Carolinians overwhelmingly reject socialism and are less likely to support Medicaid expansion when given the facts, according to a newly released statewide Civitas Poll.
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- Meanwhile, NBC News celebrates the ability of transgender women to dominate women's sports.
- At the Federalist: "Bad oversight, data quality, and evaluation methodologies have plagued the Department [of Education] since its creation in 1867. We still don't know what we're getting for billions in dollars spent, besides meddlesome federal mandates."