It all started with this silly tweet from Sally Goldenberg:
Goldenberg is the City Hall bureau chief at POLITICO NY. She focuses on housing, labor, budget and politics, according to her Twitter bio.
She followed her tweet with another stating: "I will never be so happy to step onto a subway again."
The reaction was pretty swift - as people who don't live in cities rose in defense of rural and suburban lifestyles.
Enter: conservative writer Matt Walsh....
As you might expect, his tweet prompted urban dwellers to rise up in defense of cities.
Walsh responded, "What I've discovered from this thread is that folks in the city get very offended when you don't like the city. They need you to like the city and talk about how great the city is. Folks in the country generally couldn't care less how you feel about it or them."
But all of this preening and signalling eventually ended in something pretty remarkable...
If you have some time to peruse the responses, you'll see some of the most amazing views enjoyed by your fellow Americans. What a tribute to this wonderful land!
We don't have to all see the same things outside our front door.
Cities, the suburbs, the country - they all offer different benefits and challenges. And unless you're trying to dictate where people live, we should have no issue with where anyone chooses to live.
Cities offer us monuments to the endeavors of man. But this presents many challenges - often made worse by our own hubris.
The country attunes us to God's creation.
The suburbs provide affordable tracts of open space (yards) and larger homes with amenities within relative close proximity.
I begrudge no person for choosing any of these options.