Pete's Prep: Monday, June 17, 2019
- From the Washington Examiner: "Gov. Ron DeSantis will sign a bill banning sanctuary cities in Florida on Friday, fulfilling a major campaign promise."
- The former press guy for two former Democratic former NC governors - writing on behalf of the owner of WRAL - opposes the GOP legislature effort to force sheriffs to cooperate with the federal immigration enforcement agency.
- Ray Nothstine writes at the Civitas Institute: "Why is there such a rush by some progressives to suggest disagreements on healthcare policy are the result of racism? Because it shuts down the opposition while avoiding a real debate on the issues."
- Lumberton lawmaker rips Governor over disaster relief response: "It’s shameful that this administration has spent only 1% of the federal recovery fund..."
- The Wall Street Journal has the story about the billionaire creator of Fortnite - who lives in Cary, NC.
- WRAL reports: The Annie E. Casey Foundation ranks North Carolina 33rd for "child well-being."
- David Harsanyi at The Federalist: "Until The Supreme Court Acts, Christians Will Be Punished For Thought Crimes"