Pete Kaliner

Pete Kaliner

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Note to Gov. Cooper: Planting trees is better than carbon taxes

While Gov. Roy Cooper toys with the idea of carbon caps in order to reduce CO2 levels, a new study shows a different path might yield better results.

Namely, planting trees:

recent article in theGuardian trumpeted the findings of a new study published in Science that found massive tree planting would be — by far — the cheapest and most effective approach to mitigating climate change. Ironically, the new thinking shows the pitfalls of political approaches to combating so-called “negative externalities.” The good news about tree planting disrupts the familiar narrative about carbon taxes that even professional economists have been feeding the public for years. The whole episode is an example of what Ronald Coase warned about, in his classic 1960 article showing the danger in the traditional approach of using taxes to fix alleged market failures.

It's projected that we'll need BILLIONS of trees planted. So... get to work everyone!

Pete's Prep: Friday, Aug. 23, 2019

  • The Asheville Citizen-Times: Wanda Greene is asking for a four year prison sentence.
  • From FOX News: "In a major blow to state-by-state progressive efforts to effectively replace the Electoral College with a nationwide popular vote, a federal appeals court ruled on Tuesday that presidential electors in the Electoral College have the absolute right to vote for presidential candidates of their choice."
  • CBS News: Businessman, philanthropist, and libertarian donor David Koch has died.
  • The Carolina Journal reports: "Republicans plan to pass a budget anyway. One piece at a time."
  • NC CIvitias: It's pretty obvious that McCrae Dowless wasn't the only one running an absentee ballot harvesting operation.
  • A reminder: Be sure to check out the Carolina Plotthound for a rundown of more stories!

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