- The House Judiciary Committee begins it's impeachment proceedings. You can watch it here at C-SPAN.
- David Harsanyi at National Review: "If you want to impeach Trump, knock yourself out. Impeachment isn’t contingent on the president destabilizing the constitutional order. But I’ve yet to hear a single instance of Trump ignoring courts or legislatures and acting as some kind of dictator."
- Liel Lebovitz in the NY Post: "The Iranian regime faces the most serious popular challenge to its tyranny in 40 years... Did our experts see this coming? Nope: Most were too busy blasting President Trump."
- Peter Orszag at Bloomberg: "New research suggests that industry concentration just reflects the superior productivity of superstar firms."
- The Vancouver Sun reports:"People are waiting too long for health care in B.C., hundreds even dying, but it’s not because doctors are providing private care, provincial anesthesiologists noted in their closing submission to the marathon medicare constitutional trial."
- From Quartz.com: "US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) bought a year’s worth of access to North Carolina driver’s license data, which the agency used to identify and locate undocumented immigrants living in the state, for less than $27—about the cost of a large bucket of chicken at KFC."
- Darcel Grimes is retiring from WLOS: "Darcel is married to her college sweetheart, Johnny. She and Johnny have two adult children. She credits her success to "hard work, perseverance and prayer.""
- Brian Balfour at NC Civitas: "If we're serious about making meaningful strides in eliminating poverty, we need to consider crucial factors that play into it, such as fatherlessness."
- From the Asheville Citizen-Times: "Buncombe County Board of Commissioners has a new vice chair. The board unanimously approved Commissioner Robert Pressley, a Republican representing District 3, for the position at its Dec. 3 meeting."
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