Pete's Prep: Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Can Generation X save America?

No pressure, fellow Gen-Xers... but we might need to save America from the excesses of the Boomers and the disconnectedness of the millennials.

Today at 3:00 I'll be interviewing Matthew Hennessey about his new book "Zero Hour for Gen X: How the Last Adult Generation Can Save America from Millennials."

Though one of its own sits yet again in the White House, the baby-boom  generation, 78 million strong, is finally preparing to depart the  scene. Theirs is a 40-year legacy of war, debt, and cultural  conflagration. The boomers won’t leave a vacuum when they go, however.  The young and hungry millennials—roughly speaking, those between 18 and  35—are licking their lips. Numbering 80 million, these tech-savvy kids  are the largest generational cohort in American history, and they’re  preparing to seize the commanding heights of the economy and culture.  Given their size and cultural clout, the millennials could conceivably  jump the queue, crowding out the more traditional priorities and  preferences of the intervening generation—Generation X, those roughly  between the ages of 37 and 52—and setting the terms of the national  debate on everything from the shape of the economy to the future of free  speech.

This skipping of a generation, if it happens, will be a special sort  of injustice. The youngest Xers are entering the prime of their lives;  the oldest among them have passed 50. With no time left to start over,  they’re the ones for whom public policy, cultural change, and a growing  economy really matter. Their salaries have stagnated over the last nine  years, along with GDP growth. The underwater mortgages are largely  theirs. The ever-heavier costs of college education fall on their  shoulders. Social Security, if it isn’t somehow fixed, is going to  disintegrate just as they are getting ready to retire.

I got an advance copy of the book, and I have flagged... a few...  portions for discussion...

Judge: People training school shooters are not a threat

If a bunch of people training kids to become school shooters are not a "threat to society," I'm not sure what the term means.

From the Huffington Post:

A New Mexico judge received death threats and Islamophobic abuse on Tuesday a day after she granted bail to five Muslims charged with child abuse and accused of training children at their compound to carry out attacks, court officials said.

Police raided the compound in Taos County on Aug. 3 following a tip-off that children held there were starving. They found 11 children in need of food and water, and three days later unearthed the body of a toddler.

In an order published on Tuesday, district Judge Sarah Backus said prosecutors had produced evidence that was “troubling and unusual” but failed to show the defendants abused the children and were a threat to society if released on bail.

The defendants will all be ordered to wear ankle monitors and the kids are in state protective custody.

So, what's up?

Did local police exaggerate the conditions in the compound and promote a false idea that the adults were training the kids to murder school children?

Did the prosecutors mess up their case so badly, prompting this judge's ruling?

Or did the judge make a ruling based on something other than the evidence?

Something is not right, here.

But, wait! There's more!

The City of Asheville says it has not done business with the contractor at the center of the Buncombe County corruption scandal.

Buncombe County Commissioners vote to sue that contractor, along with three former managers who have all been indicted in the scheme.

Who vandalizes a 200-year old tree? This guy does.

Rep. Chuck McGrady (R-Hendersonville) plans to introduce legislation that would end the state's monopoly on liquor sales.

San Francisco launches a "poop patrol" to clean streets of human crap.

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