First News on 570 for Monday, December 10th, 2018

Well I hope you all got out and had some fun in the snow over the weekend.

Monday is here and the cleanup begins!

I've got all the info you need to get your day started the right way plus LOTS to give away!!!

6:13- Bill Zimpfer- With more protests in Paris over the weekend, future of the French government is in question.  The president of France will address the nation Monday night.  Bill Zimpfer will have the latest on the protests and what may be ahead from the Foreign Desk.   

6:23- Jerry Vehaugn- Buncombe County Emergency Services Director/ Mayor of Woodfin- Cleanup and Plowing

6:43- WWNC's Jim Barroll Lived from Hendersonville with a conditions update.

7:13- Ray Stagich WX

7:43- Michael Bower- The special counsel dropped memos on Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort on Friday.  What has the reaction been from DC? Meanwhile President Trump says Chief of Staff John Kelly will stay on until the end of the month. Who will replace Kelly? What is happening with the replacement Attorney General?

8:13- Christmas Tree Giveaway


In recent years, doctors have explored an unorthodox method to address cases of depression that haven’t responded to other treatments: sending precise electrical shocks directly to areas of a patient’s brain, otherwise known as deep brain stimulation (DBS). While the technique has shown some promise, its positive effects tend to be inconsistent.  But a new study out of the University of California, San Francisco, published Thursday in Current Biology, seems to offer an intriguing step forward for DBS as a therapy for depression. Their research suggests there’s another possible target for stimulation, one that might provide more reliable improvements in mood. Even better, the new target could be free of worrying side effects seen with traditional DBS, like mania.

Neurologist DR. BRANDON BROCK 

8:43- Passes for Winter Lights at the NC Arboretum (Pair)


In the time before his death, Krauthammer, along with his son, Daniel Krauthammer, compiled a new collection of writings, speeches and columns that Crown Forum is honored to publish. THE POINT OF IT ALL showcases Krauthammer’s philosophy on life, and politics, and underscores his enduring legacy as one of America’s most distinguished intellectual leaders. 

Posthumous New Book, Editor DANIEL KRAUTHAMMER

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