First Death from COVID-19 Reported in Henderson County

The Henderson County Health Department is reporting the first death in the county due to complications from COVID-19.

Read the full release from the County below.

"Hendersonville, NC (April 3, 2020). The Henderson County Health Department is reporting the first COVID-19 associated death in Henderson County. The elderly individual died on April 2, 2020 at Pardee Hospital from complications associated with the virus.

The Henderson County Health Department has been posting daily updates on their website to reflect Henderson County’s case count to keep the public informed of the impact of the virus on the community. At this time there are 22 confirmed cases in Henderson County and one death. The number of deaths in Henderson County will be posted on the website as well.

Henderson County and all of its municipalities have issued an order to Stay Home, Stay Safe for all people in Henderson County. It is imperative that we all comply with the directives of the order, which include no gatherings of any number of people outside of a single household or living unit for any reason and strict guidance to eliminate all non-essential travel, services, or exposure to people outside of your immediate family unit.

Because COVID-19 is most commonly spread through respiratory droplets, the Health Department urges everyone to take precautions to protect themselves from the spread of COVID-19:

o Stay home

o Avoid contact with persons that you know are sick

o Cover your cough (cough into the crook of your elbow; or use a tissue and throw in trash)

o Practice good hand hygiene (wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing)

o If you do not have access to soap and water use hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol

o Routinely clean frequently touched surfaces with household cleaners

Routine use of these measures by everyone will decrease the spread of viruses and respiratory diseases in our community.

It is important to make sure the information you are getting about COVID-19 is coming directly from reliable sources like the CDC, NCDHHS and Henderson County Public Health."

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