6:13- Bill Zimpfer- Is China the next "Tariff Target" for President Trump? The President is reportedly eyeing Chinese imports of technology and communications gear. Will this touch off a trade war...what might china do?
6:43- William Mapp Tech Guru "Top Tech Stories of the Week
I just can’t do it. I played sports in middle school and high school and a lot of video games. No matter how many people try to convince me otherwise, finger reflexes, hand-finger coordination, and rapid eye movement are not the same as having the physical skills to pay the bills. The NBA thinks otherwise and is drafting 102 gamers to join an NBA2K, I have this game, eSports league. Some gamers are “practicing” NBA2K for 20 hours week with the big league hopes of being drafted to the majors. Gamers will receive 6 month contracts and could earn between$32,000 and $35,000 to play the game. I’m sorry. I still can’t do it. I’m barely watching pro basketball now, and I can’t imagine myself tuning in to watch a bunch of couch potatoes who couldn’t put up bricks yell at each other for 42 minutes a clip.
Everyday, real life looks more like a Black Mirror episode. Silicon Valley startup, Nectome, claims to be able to scan a human brain and preserve it with the hopes of running computer simulations against it. Unfortunately, the process requires a fresh brain and is 100% fatal. The company claims to be able to survey the brains connectome, the mesh of neural connections in the brain. They claim to be able to survey neurons so well, that it might be possible to reconstruct a person’s memories after death. This is legit stuff, the company has raised almost a million dollars from the US National Institute of Mental Health and is one of Y Combinator’s portfolio companies. The company uses a special embalming process to map the brain, but requires it to be fresh within hours after death. They are currently interested in working with the terminally ill and people wanting to participate in doctor assisted suicide.
Jon Voight had a great quote in the conspiracy movie, The Manchurian Candidate, “the Internet is full of wackjobs and nutters.” Google’s Susan Wojcicki, displayed a mock-up of a new YouTube feature that displays text from Wikipedia articles alongside videos YT has deemed to be conspiracy theories or hoaxes against science. YouTube’s motivation is to present an alternative viewpoint to videos questioning science or describing conspiracies about the moon landing being fake.
7:13- Ray Stagich WX
7:23- Who's Covering What?
ABC NEWS- Man convicted of killing boss set to be executed
NBC NEWS- GOP leaders warn incumbents: Pennsylvania loss a 'wake-up call'
CBS NEWS- Toys "R" Us shutting U.S. stores, liquidating inventory
CNN NEWS- Trump's growing losing streak
FOX NEWS- Couple fleeing immigration officers die in car crash, leaving behind 6 children: report
NEW YORK TIMES- Thousands Walk Out of Class, Urging Action on Gun Control
WASHINGTON POST- Senate passes rollback of banking rules put in place after financial crisis
NY POST- Man who says he helped dispose of Natalee Holloway stabbed to death
LA TIMES- L.A. students join nationwide walkouts to remember Parkland victims, push gun control
7:43- Doug Parishh- Protecting children from violence is a topic in Washington and the streets of America as both Congress and students speak out. Doug Parrish will have reaction on the student walkout AND hearings on Capitol Hill.
8:13- Washington daily Sound bite round up
8:23- Casey Swaney AC-T
8:43- Dr Erin Allgood "Ask a Vet"
8:52- Dr. Allgood con't