6:13- Bill Zimpfer- Trade is the name of the game in Washington this week. The head of the European Commission visits President Trump Wednesday, with trade tops on the agenda....trade hearings continue in Washington....and the President says we are on the verge of a dramatic deal with Mexico.
6:43- Wellness Wednesday with Dr Carly Brown- Direct Primary Care and their secret networks to make sure you get care where you need and when you need it.
7:13- Ray Stagich WX
7:23- "Play with Ray"- Prize: Mountain Dance and Folk Festival Tickets
7:38- North Carolina Mountain State Fair Ticket Drop
7:43- Michael Bower- A lot of activity in Washington this week as Attorney General Sessions joins in the chant of “Lock her Up” at a leadership summit. Meantime there in the intelligence community about what was actually discussed at the Putin/Trump summit in Helsinki…all of this as the President meets with veterans in Kansas City.
8:13- Preview- Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to answer questions from Congress about Singapore Summit, Helsinki Summit and the increased tensions with Iran.
Kathy Raymond was with her 12-year-old grandson Matthew when the pair found her husband, Leon, dead of an apparent heart attack. He was inside a chicken coop on the couple's Harriman property. While her grandson ran to call 911, Kathy Raymond attempted to revive her husband through cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Her efforts failed. "The first responders arrived and started CPR on him while I held his hand and sat next to him. Of course I was crying," she said. Once the Emergency Medical Services team arrived, Kathy Raymond was asked to remove herself from the area so that EMS could continue their lifesaving attempts. "There were trucks and stuff everywhere. I know the fire department came, too. I've blocked some of it out," she said. What she can't block out is a Facebook post made by an EMS worker after being at the scene of her husband's death. The post read: "well, we had a first ... We worked a code in a chicken coop! Knee deep in chicken droppings." Kathy Raymond said the post was "insensitive" and "not very professional." "I called Roane County EMS to complain, but they never called me back," Raymond said.
8:43- The Mavericks at Pisgah Brewing Ticket Drop
8:52- Professor Allan Saxe- Are the tariffs the President imposed on foreign products more dangerous to his re-election than the audio tape the was leaked yesterday, which contains basically nothing...