6:13- Bill Zimpfer- Another set of Primary Elections is in the books. How did the President’s candidates fare, and what does this mean for November? Meanwhile President Trump has other issues on his mind, including the situation in Syria, the John McCain tribute - and the resignation of the official who oversees the federal student loan program
6:43- Dr Carly Brown Wellness Wednesday "Acid Reflux"
7:13- Ray Stagich WX
7:23- Wolfpack Sports Today
7:43- Open
8:13- DISGRACEBOOK: MORE THAN HALF OF EMPLOYERS HAVE FOUND CONTENT ON SOCIAL MEDIA THAT CAUSED THEM NOT TO HIRE A CANDIDATEThink before you post, job-seekers: Your potential employer is likely watching your social media feeds. Seventy percent of employers said they look what job candidates post on their Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and other accounts, according to a survey by CareerBuilders. Fifty-seven percent of companies said they have ruled out hiring someone because of the content they found. Job-hunters may want to keep those statistics in mind and clean up their social media presence before searching for work, said Michael Erwin, a senior career adviser for CareerBuilders. "When it comes to social media and looking for a job, we let our guard down too often," he said. "We may be posting things that may not put us in the best light to potential employers." That doesn't mean job-seekers should wipe your social media accounts clean. Indeed, 47 percent of employers said they were less likely to call a candidate in for an interview if they couldn't find the person online, the survey found. The national survey, conducted by The Harris Poll for CareerBuilder, was done between April 4 and May 1. The survey sampled more than 1,000 hiring managers and human resource professionals. In 2008, CareerBuilders found that only 22 percent of employers looked at the social media presence of job seekers, he said.It would be wise to give your social media a good cleaning unless you want to be scrubbed as a job candidate before you ever get the interview. Those drunken party photos from college can and will be used against you. Can political discussions on social media hurt your job candidacy? What's the best way to clean up your online image? How to "scrub" your social media presence before a job searchCareer coach, human capital advisor, speaker and the author of 7 Fast-Start Strategies for Starting Something New TRACY TIMM
8:23- Todd Williams-
A 45-year-old man accused of meeting women at restaurants across the Los Angeles area only to leave them with the bill pleaded not guilty to charges of theft and extortion. The man apparently connected with a string of women through dating apps and websites and invited them out to dinner with the intent of using them as a meal ticket.
8:43- Fryar/ Presley Audio
8:52- Fryar/Presley Audio con’t