6:13- Bill Zimpfer- It's called sleepy Monday, the first workday after much of the nation switched to Daylight Saving Time. There have been renewed calls to end the moving of the clocks. Bill Zimpfer will look at the pros and cons, and the latest legislative efforts.
6:43- 2020 heads to SXSW- What are the candidates saying and what are the polling numbers looking like.
7:13- Ray Stagich WX
7:43- Michael Bower- President Trump will be announcing some drastic spending cuts Monday, meanwhile Republicans are hot over a resolution in the House of Representatives - and what happened at a speech by the founder of Starbucks when he talked about the 2020 Presidential campaign.
President Trump is entering a tumultuous stretch in his rollercoaster relationship with Congress, setting up some of his biggest battles to date. Trump faces a multi-pronged fight with a newly empowered Democratic House majority intent on investigating his administration, all while Senate Republicans show signs of division on measures that could lead to embarrassing legislative defeats for the White House. The Senate is poised to force Trump into the first two vetoes of his presidency, first on a measure overturning his emergency declaration to build a wall on the Mexican border, and then on another resolution ending U.S. support for the Saudi war in Yemen.
Political Analysis and author of Founders Revolution MICHAEL LAW
8:23- Jay Ratliff- Ethiopia Air Crash
8:43- Tax Tips for the 2019 Tax Filing Season
8:52- The Dreadlines