Buncombe D.A. says he drops cases that could prompt deportation
On the one hand, I appreciate the fact that District Attorney Todd Williams offered this information on his own, otherwise we might never have known that he's willing to drop charges against unauthorized immigrants.
In the wake of ICE arrests in Western North Carolina over the past week, Williams posted this onto his Facebook page:
Williams has not responded as of 9:30 a.m. Wednesday.
A couple things are evident here, though.
First, Williams has a willingness to drop cases against a certain class of people based not on the law but based on their citizenship status. The inverse is also true - that he will prosecute people based on their citizenship status. This is the postmodern ethic in all of it's absurd self-contradictory nature.
Second, Williams originally stated that he took action to "ensure justice for immigrants by dismissing minor cases." He is obviously referring to multiple people and multiple cases. But when asked for a definition of a "minor case," he said this only has come up once.
So, which is it?
Has the DA's office dropped one case or multiple cases, in an attempt to shield unauthorized immigrants?
Again, I am grateful that Williams informed the public about his views on this issue.
I think now it's incumbent upon him and his office to provide data on how many times he has acted upon them.
10:30 a.m. UPDATE: Williams posted this response on his Facebook page:
This does not dispel confusion, actually.
When people ask about "permitted crimes," it's directly related to Williams' comments that he dropped "minor cases" against unauthorized immigrants to help them evade deportation.
If he's willing to do this - based on their citizenship status - then he is permitting these folks to commit certain offenses without fear of legal penalty.
Hence, these offenses are "permitted."
And while the DA lists ethnicity and nationality as irrelevant to their decision on prosecutorial discretion, these are not at issue here.
The question is whether citizenship status is a factor.
And Williams originally said it is.
District Attorneys have discretion. And the public has the right to know whether there is a blanket amnesty afforded certain people in Buncombe merely because they are living here illegally.
NC Democrats' "Toxic Agenda"
Susan Myrick from NC Civitas joins us today at 5:00 to discuss her series "Toxic Agenda."
The first part of the series describes how NC progressives have written and used election laws to maintain power for more than a century:
The first attempt to challenge the Left’s control over election policy began in earnest in 2011, after Republicans won control of the state legislature, for the first time in 2010. Democrats controlled our state’s elections for well over a century, writing and rewriting the state’s election laws to benefit and sustain their majorities. The change in legislative majorities was the first real threat to the Left’s control over elections.
The second part of the series looks at "how the Left, through the help of the North Carolina legislature, created an election system that ultimately favored Democrats for decades. Having total power over the election process takes more than just controlling what laws are passed in the legislature. Winning battles in the courts, and infiltrating the State Board of Elections has helped to solidify the Left’s control over our state’s election process."
Prior to the 2012 election, Republicans occupied the Governor’s office for only three four-year terms, one in the 1970s and two in the 1980s. During these decades Democrats built an administrative bureaucracy that exists today. Beginning in the 1990s, SBE staff took a turn toward political activism. The staff’s foray into policy and politics appeared to grow exponentially after the introduction and subsequent alliance with Bob Hall, a lobbyist and activist leader of the radical progressive nonprofit, Democracy NC.
Hall became a fixture at the SBE and worked alongside former Director Gary Bartlett to introduce and implement public financing, early voting, same day registration (SDR), voting out of precinct and registering 16 and 17-year old’s to vote. Bartlett allowed Hall to take the lead in the editing, production and printing of the State Board of Elections Voter Guides, which were distributed to every voter in the state. (Read more about Hall’s influence on election policy in the Civitas article titled: Guiding the NC Elections Board – to the Left).
Hall worked with the SBE as a conduit between the SBE and Democrats, when they were in the majority. Because of Hall’s work with the SBE, especially in the 2000s when in-person early voting and same-day registration were introduced, North Carolina can boast of some of the most liberal voting laws in the nation. But, Hall didn’t move on when the Republicans won majorities in the legislature in 2010. He had found a comfortable home working with the bureaucrats employed by the SBE. With Hall’s leadership at the SBE, the Left has continued to chip away at the integrity of our election process leaving us vulnerable to increasing amounts of voter fraud.
Far too many North Carolinians don't know have any idea how Democrats maintained power in North Carolina since reconstruction - using legislation, a spoils system, and patronage, and Myrick's work provides a very good look at just one way this political machine operated recently.