Early voting underway
Early voting for the primary is now underway in North Carolina.
If you live in Buncombe County, here is a link to help you get started.
Right now, it's only available at the main site - located at the Wesley Grant Southside Center.
But next Saturday, April 28, seven more sites will open.
They are:
- Asheville Mall (across from McAlister’s Deli).
- Black Mountain Library.
- Enka-Candler Library.
- North Asheville Library.
- South Buncombe Library.
- West Asheville Library.
- Weaverville Town Hall.
Winthrop Poll examines Trump & religion
The latest Winthrop Poll is out with some pretty interesting findings. For example, President Donald Trump’s approval rating sits at 46% - which is higher than it was in February (42%). But 47% disapprove.
The poll finds: "Among respondents who self-identify as Republican, Trump has retained strong support in this red state and has an 80% approval rate."
Congress is really unpopular, registering a 77% disapproval rating.
The poll also explored religion, and is well worth the read.
For example:
Three-fourths of Winthrop Poll respondents said they donated money last year to a church or organized religious organization and that religion is either very or fairly important to their life. Half said they pray several times a day and that they read scripture at least once a week outside of church.
Ninety percent believe in God or a universal spirit, with 83% saying they are absolutely certain of this belief.
Almost three-fourths believe in Heaven, but only 65% believe in hell.
Concerning church and religious organization, almost half said they focus too much on rules. In another question, half said the groups are too concerned with money and power. Almost half said churches are not too involved with politics, while 44% said they are.
Another interesting finding is that 59% of respondents live in a home with a gun.
Winthrop University Polling Director and political scientist Dr. Scott Huffmon will join us to discuss this today.
Loitering at Starbucks is kind of their business model, isn't it?
The two men arrested for loitering inside a Starbucks in Philadelphia have done their first interview, and I don't think it's going to quell the fury being directed at the progressive coffee chain store.
Rashon Nelson initially brushed it off when the Starbucks manager told him he couldn't use the restroom because he wasn't a paying customer.
He thought nothing of it when he and his business partner, Donte Robinson, were approached at their table and were asked if they needed help. The 23-year-old entrepreneurs declined, explaining they were just waiting for a business meeting.A few minutes later, they hardly noticed when the police walked into the coffee shop — until officers started walking in their direction.
"That's when we knew she called the police on us," Nelson told The Associated Press in the men's first interview since video of their April 12 arrests went viral.
Starbucks said that particular shop has a policy that restrooms are for paying customers only. Which is a perfectly legitimate, ethical, and legal policy to have.
But if you've ever been to a Starbucks, you know people hang out in there all day long without buying a single thing. Maybe I've never been to a shop that had the same restroom policy as this store in Philly.
And now EVERY Starbucks store will close for training:
[Starbucks] will be closing its more than 8,000 company-owned stores in the United States on the afternoon of May 29 to conduct racial-bias education geared toward preventing discrimination in our stores. The training will be provided to nearly 175,000 partners (employees) across the country, and will become part of the onboarding process for new partners.
And look at who is going to teach all the baristas not be racisty...
Of course, Second Amendment supporters find the uproar to be a bit ironic...