Congressional Democrats refuse to support ICE
After making "Abolish ICE" a rallying cry at demonstrations around America over the past few months, Democrats were given the chance to register their formal disapproval of the immigration enforcement agency.
A total of 43 voted against the resolution in support of ICE. Eighteen voted in support of ICE.
All of these Congress members deserve credit for voting their principles.
The real shame is reserved for the 133 other Congressional Democrats who voted "Present," rather than take a position.
From the Washington Free Beacon:
Rep. Jerry Nadler (D., N.Y.) called it a "meaningless stunt" and said he voted present because the House had "more important things to do."
House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D., Md.) echoed that sentiment, saying "This is exactly the kind of ‘gotcha vote' which alienates Americans from their government … Democrats refuse to play the Republicans' game."
Rep. Marc Pocan (D., Wisc.), who has sponsored an "Abolish ICE" bill, voted present.
Half of the Democrats in the House that hail from districts won by Donald Trump in 2016 voted in support of the resolution.
It's illustrative of how far left the Democratic base has swung when its elected leaders cannot vote in support of a law enforcement agency AFTER a primary.
Democrats attempt to mainstream "Medicare For All"
Meanwhile, Democrats are forming a "Medicare For All Caucus" It reportedly has more than 60 members already on board.
From Vice News:
Medicare for All became a divisive issue during the 2016 presidential primary race between Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders, who has long advocated for the program, and Hillary Clinton, who dismissed it as too expensive and said it was politically “never, ever” going to happen.
But in the aftermath of Clinton’s defeat, Republicans attempts to undo Obamacare, and rising health care costs, a large swath of Democrats shifted their positions. When Sanders re-introduced his Medicare for All bill last fall, many of the party’s most prominent senators and potential 2020 presidential candidates including Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, and Kirsten Gillibrand signed onto the bill (in the years before, Sanders had been the lone co-sponsor).
One other important detail: "The bill lacked many details, especially how to pay for the program."
But, wait! There's more!
Democrats don't want former FBI Director Jim Comey's endorsement.
Salisbury, NC is getting out of the broadband business.
A Florida man died after eating an oyster contaminated with a "flesh-eating" bacteria.