There's a story I recall from a college philosophy class with Dr. Craighead.
A spaceship pilot sees he's running low on fuel on his way to a distant planet to resupply a new colony with food and medicine. He searches the ship and finds a stowaway. The added weight means he doesn't have enough fuel.
What to do? What's the more ethical decision to make?
Jettison the cargo - dooming all the inhabitants of the planet's new colony?
Or toss the stowaway out of the ship, killing her?
Come to think of it, this story is probably why I don't believe climate alarmists in their calls to adopt a socialist economy in order to prevent the planet from self-destructing in 12 years.
Earth is our spaceship. If we're really going to crash, shouldn't EVERYTHING be scrapped? There should be literally no other spending on anything else. Right? We have to save the entire colony!
But, instead, we get the Green New Deal.
John Sexton at correctly identifies the true purpose of the GND and its backers.
What is going on here? There’s a skeleton key of sorts that makes sense of this odd leftist wish list. It’s called capitalism . Really, making sense of this jumble of a proposal is that simple.
The reason much of the document seems to be aimed at rearranging the economy far beyond the already extreme measures that would be required to fight climate change is, I believe, that AOC sees capitalism as the root of the problem. And if capitalism is the root, then it’s not enough to cut emissions or install more solar panels. What you need is to end capitalism by reducing air travel, giving jobs to people even if they won’t work, guarantee free health care, free college, affordable (government subsidized?) housing, and using whatever’s left to repair historic oppression. Because if you do all of that, there is no capitalism left.
Government handing out make-work jobs that pay a “living wage” regardless of the work itself (or whether someone works at all) is not compatible with capitalism. And remember, the goal of this document is for America to lead the way for the world.
The secret of the Green New Deal is not that it’s an odd grab bag of unrelated priorities, but that it’s an even more extreme proposal than it appears to be. This isn’t a plan to save the planet, it’s a plan to save the planet by ending capitalism .
David French at National Review said , "[W] hen you read the document you quickly realize that progressivism is the priority, not the environment. In other words, environmentalism and progressivism are wrongly treated as fundamentally inseparable."
You can read the details for yourself here and here .
This is why progressives are called watermelons... They are green on the outside and red on the inside.
Pete's Prep: Friday, Feb. 8, 2019
- The Greenville News reports : "The Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office seized nearly $3.5 million from 2014-16 — more money than any other agency in the state. They also confiscated 21 vehicles, 19 guns and other property, including a $50,000 Aximum watch, over the same time period." Also, they don't even have to arrest and charge people in order to seize the assets.
- Bigfoot is in Utah !!!!
- Fluffy the frozen cat in Montana is alive !
- From the Asheville Citizen-Times : "Use the money generated by a quarter-cent sales tax — nearly $14 million this year and rapidly growing — to fund both operations and maintenance at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College."