There's an increasingly accepted narrative in North Carolina politics and media - that Democrats are resurgent and will soon take back the power they lost in 2010. Their return to rule comes without acknowledgement or acts of contrition for the corrupt, pay-to-play, patronage, and spoils system the party operated in the Tar Heel State for more than a century.
Rather, the Democratic Party resurrection is assumed simply due to the repugnance of the Republican Party and President Donald Trump, along with the migration of leftists to our state from leftist-run states that are in collapse due to leftist policies.
But, is this narrative correct? Are Democrats on a winning trajectory?
Is North Carolina turning blue?
Andy Jackson at NC Civitas doesn't think so:
"Republicans should not take too much comfort in these findings. While North Carolina is certainly not trending Democratic, the trend in favor of Republicans is small and comes after a long period of Democratic advantage in statewide races. As seen in the Democratic sweep of four statewide judicial races in 2018 (although two featured Republican spoiler candidates), either party can do well in any given election cycle in North Carolina."
Jackson will join me today at 4:00 p.m.
We'll chat about whether North Carolina is "turning blue," the hysteria of the "Hofeller Files" media coverage, the failure of the NC House to override Gov. Roy Cooper's veto of the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, and the state of the special Congressional races in NC's 3rd and 9th districts.
Pete's Prep: Thursday, Jun 13, 2019
- Tyler Dukes at WRAL reports: "For six months, North Carolina officials have kept the public in the dark about their failed efforts last year to lure Apple's sought-after new campus to the state."
- According to the report by Dillon Davis in the Asheville Citizen-Times: "A long-delayed proposal by Kassinger Development Group will move ahead after City Council voted June 11 to sell the company about two acres of land at 360 Hilliard Ave for $475,000. Kassinger, which has been working with the city to develop the site since 2017, plans to build an 86-unit project including 34 affordable units in addition to a public parking lot, a trailhead and a portion of the Bacoate Branch Greenway."
- Dan Way at the Carolina Journal reports: "If all the solar panels from industrial-scale electric plants in North Carolina were laid end to end, they would stretch from Raleigh to San Francisco and back nearly four times. Yet the state has no plan to handle the 475,000 tons of panels once they wear out and become waste."
- The NC Senate votes to repeal the Map Act
- The Senate also is looking to reform the pistol purchase permit process
- A glass balcony on a skyscraper started cracking while people stood on it