Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings ripped President Donald Trump for the treatment of illegal immigrants at the southern border. So, Trump slammed Cummings - saying his district is far worse than the conditions at the border.
Outrage ensued.
And because Cummings is black, and because it's Donald Trump, and because Cummings' district is a majority minority district, and because it's Donald Trump, and because the 2020 presidential campaign is ramping up, and because it's Donald Trump, the President's attacks are deemed to be racist.
Stu Burguiere was filling in for Glenn Beck on the radio show today and argued that most Americans understand what the President is doing here, because it's what he does all the time: "Trump says bad things about people who say bad things about him."
Trump admitted this in a 2016 interview with Megyn Kelly on FOX News:
"Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said Tuesday that his penchant for insulting others stems from a desire to heal his own wounds.
"When I'm wounded, I go after people hard and I try to unwound myself," Trump said in a much-anticipated interview with Fox News' Megyn Kelly that aired Tuesday night on Fox."
This is what Trump supporters mean when they say, "He fights!"
And media should know this by now.
Pete's Prep: Monday, July 29, 2019