Is it time for the United States to finally - and fully - withdraw all combat forces from Afghanistan? And, if so, did the USA secure a victory?
President Donald Trump said yesterday that talks are "dead" between the US and the Taliban, according to the Wall Street Journal:
The developments left uncertain the status of possible U.S. troop withdrawals from Afghanistan. Under proposed terms of a U.S.-Taliban agreement, the U.S. would withdraw about 5,000 troops within 135 days after completion of the deal. There are currently about 14,500 U.S. troops in Afghanistan.
The U.S. military has refused to publicly discuss its force posture. U.S. officials on Monday said there are no immediate plans to decrease the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan. One official said the Pentagon is still sorting out the status of the talks.
Polling shows Americans would support continuing the nation's longest war, but only if there appeared to be a path to success. How "success" is defined, however, is critical.
Pete's Prep: Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2019
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